Dried Mixed Fruit Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹180.00.
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Swamala Classic – a Chyavanprash (Ashtavarg) fortified with Gold and other potent ingredients to assist Total Health for All Seasons.

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We are an integrated platform of leading brands and products dedicated to healthier lifestyle and nutrition items, Our products are carefully selected, formulated and processed under stringent standards to deliver the perfect product for Indian house-hold. NutBerries is built on the firm foundation of their promise of providing the products to the customers with honest pricing & the best quality to customer door-step 365 days of the year.

Product Description

Swamala Classic – a Chyavanprash (Ashtavarg) fortified with Gold and other potent ingredients to assist Total Health for All Seasons.

Swamala Classic is prepared from best quality Amla pulp fortified with unique blend of herbs, honey and pure cow’s Ghee. Enriched with noble metal like Gold, Swamala Classic delivers Ayurved Rasayan one that helps to replenish body tissues to bring Total Health in All Seasons for the whole family.